Thursday, 13 May 2010


Tonight after dinner I got around to decorating the two notebooks I created a couple of months back. I am so determined to be an organised person, I thrive when I know whats going on and where. I think because its not 'the done' thing I followed the crowd.
However after finding '' and then '' I realise that its ok to have lists in your life. Although I will still hide them from the majority of people I know. I love how the online community allows you your quirks! For me Christmas, Lists, Crafts and Baking...honestly its so unusual amongst my friends to be like that.
The first picture is my household notebook: renamed 'Home Scribbles'.
So the second picture is of my Christmas Notebook or now re-title 'Rudolph Planner' to fit in with the Rudolph Day plans!
Not sure how to seperate pictures, will need to do the tutorial to figure this all out!

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